We are Brightonians, from March. Brighton is wonderful. It’s made of hills, so my shape is getting better, as we live on the top of the one of the hills. Sometimes it’s hard to catch your breath while climbing, but then you’re rewarded with a view from the top. There is the sea on one side and South Downs on the other (they are chalky hills).
Brighton is full of Cronopias*, so we feel at home, being Cronopias as well. People actually talk to each other here, whenever you go, and are very helpful too. So – we might stay here for a while.
I just wish Summer was more like Summer.
It’s been a while I wrote here, so some updates (and they are links to gallery too, so please, click):
There was Brighton Festival in May, and Brighton Fringe. We saw many interesting shows, concerts etc.
I went to Poland in June, because of a dental emergency. I visited Mazury too, in a pouring rain.
We had a wonderful visit of Johan’s Aunt and Uncle.
Now Johan has a bit of free time from work, we stayed at home but we go for walks on these beautiful hills around us.